Weddings are a lot of stress...so why does anyone romanticize them?
Who cares! Let's look back at mine.

I remember my cousin (who is one day older than me and was my best friend growing up) had a hard time at my wedding. I was standing in the reception line, being greeted and congratulated by everyone...then my cousin comes by. TO THIS DAY I still wonder what it was she was trying to tell me. She was crying so hard I didn't understand a word of it. Bless her heart. Her emotions triggered MY emotions. Thanks a lot, Cuz.
But all-in-all it was a nice ceremony. Actually, it was probably the shortest ceremony that everyone attending had ever been to! Our minister was **SO** nervous! More than *we* were! He forgot some things...like the scripture that we had agonized over for days to pick out. In the blink of an eye (well, almost) he was announcing us as Mr. and Mrs.

Then my niece...how adorable was she!?! She was two years old and did a great job. The dress she wore was the same one that *I* had worn at her age when I was a flower girl at a wedding. I don't remember my experience as a flower girl and I'm guessing that she doesn't either.

{sigh} I miss being able to fit into that dress...as well as my skinny jeans. But I wouldn't have missed out on these last 20+ years. I may never be this skinny again...but I will ALWAYS have the love of this wonderful, quirky man.