I know how to spell that word "real good." I have to...I need to look up recipes every year.
This year I planted six HILLS of zucchini. Three seed in each hill. Each hill had at least two seeds take off. A couple of them had all three produce a plant.
Yeah. You know what's coming next.
I don't usually have a problem getting rid of our extra zucchini...but then again...I don't usually plant that many at once. You see, ideally I would plant a few seeds in May, then a few more in June.
I lost my head in May and planted the whole packet of seeds.
So I just got back inside from picking this weekend's crop. Nine, count them...NINE more zucchini to add to the six that are already on the countertop. Two of them are biggins.
This past weekend I used one of the two biggins I picked LAST WEEK by cutting it open, scooping it out and frying it in the deep fryer. Dh wasn't crazy about that. It's been ages since I've fried our food, so we're not big on fried food anymore.
Today I used a regular sized one by chopping it up and putting it in the pan of taters and onions. Nobody knew it was there. he.he.he.
It's too hot/humid to bake zucchini bread. Anyway, I did that last year and put about three loaves of bread in the freezer. We didn't eat it before the freezer burn got to it so I won't be doing that again. In years past I've grated up the biggins and put them in the freezer to bake into breads later when it's cool outside, but never used it up before the freezer burn got to it, so I won't be doing that this year. And I've pretty much zucchini'd all my
usual victims er, friends.
Does anyone want any zucchini?