Monday, February 22, 2010

My name is Pam and I'm a font-aholic.

I love fonts.  What are fonts, you ask?  Fonts are typeface...and you can change them to suit your mood.  I love that.
When I'm designing a new header for the blog or a newsletter or just about anything, I search through my large collection of fonts to choose just the right one to convey the message.  I have fonts that make you think "Western" or "Beach" or "Childish" when you see them--before you even read the words.  I love that about fonts.
Sadly, I can name the fonts they use on billboards and advertisements.  If I can't name it, it will drive me crazy until I find it.  I know!  I need a life.
I love the gentle, romantic swoop some fonts have.  And the crisp, clean lines of others.  And still others with uneven, carefree elements call to me.
I know there are other font-aholics out there. Why else would there be so many websited dedicated to fonts?  But for those of you who are not, I'm betting you're sorry you read this post and are thinking, "Well, that's two minutes of my life I'll never get back."
I'm sorry.  I'm just being me.  :-)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Did you have a nice Valentine's Day?  I did.
After church, we stayed home and relaxed.  All day.  No, I'm not kidding. It was wonderful. We didn't rush around and go here and there...we stayed home.  With three kids and numerous responsibilites, that just doesn't happen.   On Saturday I got to stay home while hubs did the running around.  I was scanning a big pile old pictures that Mom had picked out to be put on the digital photo frame I had bought her for Christmas.  Since hubs was going to be in a town that has stores, I told him what to get me for Valentine's Day.  Even though I told him weeks ago that it was coming, I knew he hadn't done anything about it.  So off he went and did a perfect job of picking out my practical present.  I guess hoping he'd pick up a flower bouquet was too much to ask...but I'm not complaining.  Really, I'm not.

On to a weather update...cuz I know you really want to know.  It's still snowing.  It hasn't stopped for days and days.  The local weather forecast says it might stop briefly on Thursday.  I hope; we all need a break.  Now everyone is concerned about it all melting.  We live near the Ohio do the math.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow pictures!

It snowed last weekend. Boy howdy, did it snow.  First we got the perfect packing snow on Friday.  The boys had a blast playing...making snowmen

and snow forts and snowballs.

And it looked pretty in the trees...

Then overnight we got more snow. It covered up the tracks the boys made building the snowmen

and this snow was colder and didn't pack well, so the wind blew it into drifts.
My daughter tried to measure it in the back yard, but found it was 10 inches deep in the shortest area and 20 inches deep in the tallest area. Doggone wind. She put pics on her Facebook, if you're interested. 
 I never did hear the "official" snowfall amount.

These pictures were taken in the morning.

Then in the afternoon, unexpectedly, the sky cleared to a brilliant blue and the sun shone bright.  It was beautiful.
Same closeup of the same tree...only the sun has melted the snow and changed it to ice in the top layer.

The sunshine was wonderful, but didn't stay long. It has snowed every day since Friday. Snow is in the immediate forecast. No warm up in sight for us.  I just hope it doesn't all melt in the same day. What a mess that would be!

You know it's cold in your house....

...when your Greyhound keeps curling up in a ball and covers her nose with a paw to keep it warm. 
BTW, her nose is still cold when she unexpectedly presses it on your bare skin.  Just sayin'.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh yeah--we got snow.

So I'm laying in bed last night and thought I'd watch a little TV while I waited for the heating pad to warm up my feet enough so I could sleep.  I turn the TV on and within seconds......pfth...the electric goes off....followed by a blue flash of light outside and a ...bzzzzzz.   Oh yeah--the transformer blew.  The good news is that the heating pad had warmed up, so we were okay for a little while.

That was 9:30.

About 3:30 this morning dh woke up--because that's the time the alarm usually goes off.  He'd went to bed about an hour before I had, so he was surprised to hear that the electric was off.  Then he couldn't sleep--because he doesn't usually sleep at this early morning time.  So guess who he wanted to talk to?  Good news is...I'd gotten nearly 6 hours of sleep and was up to the task.  So while he's contemplating whether or not our orange extension cord would be heavy enough to run the furnace if he fired up the generator....TADA...the electric comes back on.  I know because I had left my bedside lamp on .  Ooops.

So we all went back to sleep (the kids woke up because they'd left their lights on, too) and when it was daylight the guys happily trekked outside and shoveled....and shoveled....and shoveled all that wonderful snow for about an hour.  Meanwhile, dd and I lounged around and had a leasurely morning.  :-)  Life is good.

Pictures will come later.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello, dear friends!

Does anyone still check this blog?  I'm sorry.  Really, I am.
My browser was messing up, so I downloaded Firefox and sorta lost all of my bookmarks...and I FORGOT about my blog.  Can you BELIEVE that?
I can.
But don't get me started about meno

So...what's new with you?

Lemme see...since I last blogged....

we had Christmas.
...that was nice.

and we had New Year's
...that was ok.

and we had MLK Day.

and oldest son had a birthday but since it was on the same day as a funeral for a friend (in which he was asked to be a pall bearer), we had to postpone the celebration.  He had fun with friends on a snowday two days later.   It was "awesome"...or so I hear.

and tomorrow is Groundhog Day. 

Yup, that brings us up to speed.

Tomorrow also marks the first day of oldest son's first scheduled drive at driving school.  In Ohio, minors have to take a drivers' ed class before they can get their license.  He just turned 17 and can't wait ONE MORE YEAR before going for his driver's it's off to class he goes.  Our 19-year-old-non-driver couldn't be out-done by her brother, so she's taking classes, too.  Her *final* drive is tomorrow.  She says she's doing well--even went on the highway.  She refuses to drive out of town for us, so I dunno why she wants a license.  Mudville is small enough to walk everywhere we need to go.   Mind you, *I* don't walk---but she's much younger than me.

So anyway, now that my old browser is working (sometimes) I'll try to get back here more often than once every 6 or 7 weeks, k?
See you soon....