Years ago I worked in the accounting office for a grocery store chain. One day a store employee walked into my office with a pamphlet in hand. She told me how her grandmother used to make the best brownies from the recipe was on the back of the Hershey's cocoa box. Only it was no longer there--so she wrote the company. They sent her this pamphlet that had not only the brownie recipe, but several other recipes. She asked if I would make some copies for her so she could share with her mom and sister. I told her I'd be glad to on one condition...I got to keep a copy for myself. :-) While I had to agree, the brownie recipe was good *AND* easy (I declared I'd never buy another boxed mix) the recipe that has stayed with me nearly 20 years later is the chocolate syrup recipe. I have several boxes of brownie mix in the cupboard, but I haven't bought a can of syrup since I began making this. Its quick to make and tastes a *lot* like the canned stuff. Give it a try:
Hershey's Cocoa Syrup
1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup cocoa powder
dash of salt
1 cup hot water
2 teaspoons vanilla
Combine sugar, cocoa and salt in saucepan.
Gradually stir in water.
Cook over medium heat. Boil 3 minutes.
Remove from heat and add vanilla.
Now here's a recipe I'll use! Thanks Pam!