Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm not perfect.

I ended yesterday's post with the comment "It's true, I'm not perfect."
Let me explain.
I'm a perfectionist. It drives me...and those around me....insane the way that I pay attention to details. I can't help it. I've tried. I think it's woven into my being.
So Sunday morning one of my nearest and dearest friends pointed out a typo I had made--printed in the Sunday bulletin for all to see. And IMMEDIATELY she said, "You're not perfect and I was the one to tell you so!"....cracking up the entire time. She was hysterical. She wasn't being mean...she was being honest. I thoroughly enjoyed her laughter. She's a dear, sweet friend indeed.

So here I am...sharing with all of bogger-dom that I'm not perfect. And you know what? I'm okay with that. Because if I can't laugh at myself...with friends...I need to get my head on straight.
I can't wait until another of my friends is home from Kentucky. She's gonna love this story!

1 comment:

  1. Good story to tell on yourself! I've heard that Shaker women deliberately left a letter out of the alphabet when doing a hand stitched sampler. They felt that doing anything 'perfectly' was putting themselves on the same plane as God...something they weren't comfortable with.
    One of my favorite phrases is 'Excellence always, Perfection never.'
    I'm glad you had the courage to share this story with us.
