Monday, February 23, 2009

Tax time.

I finished figuring our taxes this weekend. Normally I have it done as soon as we get the W-2s, but it's been pretty busy around here, so it took me a month to get around to it. Actually, I probably still wouldn't have them done if my husband hadn't asked this week if they were done. Oops...kinda didn't make time for them, Huny.
I don't mind figuring them up since:
A) Numbers are my "thing"
B) With three kids we get a refund.
It smacked me in the face this weekend that point "B" will one day soon be over with. My kids are growing up....which is good. But I won't be able to claim them...which is bad. Oh well, we all knew it would come one day, right?
When I was in college and was stuck being in charge of the computer lab on weekends (back in the day when the computer was in a room by itself because it was so big) I made up my own little tax form and printed it off. It was a tiny little thing compared to the books we get in the mail nowadays. It only had two points and it went something like this:

1) How much money did you make last year?
2) Send it in.

Now mind you, I was in college and didn't have to file a tax I thought it was all very funny.
Not so much now that I'm all grown up with a family of my own.

Have you finished filing your tax return?
Check "yes" or "no".
__yes __no

1 comment:

  1. We must think alike. I did mine this past weekend also. I normally do them as soon as I get the W2's, but I just wasn't interested this year. Wonder why I didn't want to get money! Puzzling!
