Tuesday, March 17, 2009


That might be a four-letter-word. I have a love/hate thing going on with exercise. I love how I feel when I get exercise...and I hate doing it. I especially hate walking. I don't know why. Maybe it's because my fingers always swell up when I walk. But that seems to be the preferred exercise of some of my friends.

"Pam, why don't we go for a walk tonight after work?"

No thanks.

So explain to me why, when I got up this morning, I dug out some summer clothes and hopped on our new treadmill?

My husband has been using the exercise equipment at work. He *was* lifting weights (and had some AWESOME muscles, I might add) when he switched to all cardio...AKA...the treadmill. I miss him. He works out for an hour each night after work. (Shh...I miss his muscles, too.) That hour didn't seem like much at first, but it has really cut our family time because we have Scout and Church activities nearly every night during the week.

So...we went shopping last night and brought home a treadmill. We've been researching them for weeks and last week we decided which one to buy. Last night we had time to go to the store and get it. (Remember? I live *miles* from any mall or big chain store--so it's a big deal to "go to town.") By the time it was assembled, it was too late to work out. So *I* am the first one to work out on the thing because dh (dear hubby) couldn't get woke up enough this morning. (I had the "luxury" of taking half an hour to wake up.)

So here I sit...all sweaty...typing out my morning's adventures while I cool down. I need to get a bath and go to work. I hope you'll make some time in your day to get some exercise. Your body with thank you for it.

P.S. In January I mentioned that I had joined a friend in a health challenge at her work. Our final weigh-in was last Friday. For the nine-week challenge, I had lost......drum roll please....eighteen pounds. Yeah for me! I'm hoping the treadmill will help me stay on the downhill-slide (so to speak).

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