Friday, March 6, 2009

Update on us.

Hi guys. Long time to blog.
The cold/flu has been making the rounds in my house. I was the first to catch it (as previously mentioned)...then the boys...and now my daughter has it. Poor thing.
She and I seem to get the flu worse than the males in this house. The good news is that it only lasts about 4 days and you feel better. Alive, even. Meanwhile, life goes on. I didn't miss any work. I work in an office alone. Most of the time, I'm the only person in the building--besides my kids if they follow me to work. So I didn't think anything of going to work with a cold. Little did I know that the cold chills weren't from the cold temps outside, but from the fever within. Our thermometer is broke. WHY is it that you never know these things until it's too late? It's not like I could run right out and buy another one.
But you know what? I never really know that we have the flu until the SECOND person gets hit by it. You know how that is, right? Tell me I'm not alone. Please.
Anyway, by the time I got home from work, I was exhausted. After resting for a bit, I had to haul laundry downstairs and toss it in the washing machine. A mundane task, mind you...but it wore me out. At what point do you think it dawned on me that I needed to be in bed? Never. I couldn't think clearly. I just took frequent breaks. Even climbing the stairs--something that I do a hundred times a week--left me huffing and puffing. I reasoned that my lungs were worn out from fighting the green gunk that I was coughing out of them. {Insert clanging bells and giant red flags here. Nevermind, I couldn't see 'em.} So when the clothes were done in the washer, I hauled them outside to hang on the clothesline. WHY was I hanging clothes outside in 30-something degree weather you ask? Because my dryer decided it was tired of providing hot air. {Side note--after 65 dollars of parts, dh finally found the right one and VIOLA!, it works.} The laundry is all caught up just in time for the next round.
So anyway, I'm feeling MUCH better. Just a cough remains. The boys are coming out of it. Dd is going to milk this for all its worth.
I don't blame her.
A girls' gotta do what a girl's gotta do. :)
Hope all you guys stay far, far away from the flu.
And to anyone who may have seen me this week: I'm REALLY sorry if I exposed you to the flu. I didn't know that it wasn't a simple cold.

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