Saturday, November 21, 2009

My pantry.

Since you've been bored with pumpkin posts, I thought I'd keep with the food theme.  Earlier this fall I think I posted that I would show you my pantry when we were done canning.
Every time I tried to snap a picture of it, the camera wouldn't work. It turns out the batteries died.
Right. There. In. My. Camera.
It was awful.
So I bought new batteries, charged them up busy with life stuff.
But I hadn't completely forgot.

And while I realize that you haven't exactly been waiting on pins and needles for this picture, I do want to prove to myself that I am not a slacker.  I did not, however clean this up before snapping pictures. You'll have to suffer through it.

Here are what's left of the green beans we canned last year:

Here are the tomatoes,

grape juice,

and salsa

that we canned this year....with glimpses of the home-canned spaghetti and pizza sauces. 

And while I don't EXPECT to get snowed in this winter, I AM prepared in case we do.  We have enough store-bought peanut butter to hold us over for weeks. We're about due for a blizzard.  Any year now.  If you run out of food at your house, just strap on the snowshoes and come on over--I'll share.


  1. I'm not waiting for snow - get my room ready!!! I just ate and these pics are making me hungry all over again!

  2. I'm praying for that blizzard! Great looking pantry!
