Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finally Friday.

Don't go bursting my bubble by telling me it's only Thursday.

I need a vacation.

Between work, planning a graduation, and hormones...I'm beat. I didn't get K to a photographer in time to get her pictures taken, so I am doing them myself. We need to get these done, K. Do you hear me? I need to move on to doing the photo collage and planning the meal.
And you know what? I just did a mental check and other than a week's vacation in June, I don't expect to get any reprieve until sometime in August.
Mother's Day, Father's Day (and the appropriate banquets at church), the graduation and it's party, a wedding in another state, VBS, youth camp, scout camp, the church picnic, 4H activities, Boy Scout outings....UGH!

{deep breath}

I think I'll just take it one week at a time. The days fly by too fast to take them one at a time.


  1. Do you have a Portrait Innovations near you? They aren't your "normal" senior pictures, but they do an awesome job and you get a lot for your buck! We loved them. We did our family pictures and senior pictures all for about $150. It was great!

    Here is a link...

    They have a special package right now too.

  2. That was me that posted. It does that sometimes.
