Monday, February 9, 2009

Confession time...

I have a "thing" about dishes.
There. I said it.
It's true. I love dishes. And what's worse is I don't know when to stop collecting them.
But aren't these salt cellars the most ADORABLE dishes you've ever seen? I love, love, love them.
I was at a flea market last summer and came across them. The fella running the stand told me I could HAVE them. For FREE! I love a bargain. He said they were the last two left out of a set of eight--the others broke in transit. {sob!}
Since bringing them home and washing them up they haven't seen the inside of the cabinet more than seven or eight days total. Since summer. Yeah--we use them a lot. They usually sit on the countertop so they're handy for us to grab. Nearly every day I wish I had the other six...there just aren't enough of them to go around. Sometimes I use them to put spices in so they're handy while I'm cooking. Sometimes my daughter uses them to pre-measure out ingredient when she's baking. Any one of us use them to hold dipping sauce.
My husband bought some more salt cellars, but they just aren't the same. These ones are very simplistic and look like miniature bowls. The ones he found were fancier. They just weren't my style. Two of them are cut glass. Pretty! But certainly not for every day use. So he tried again. He found a set of four. They are square with a round hole in the middle. Hmmm. Close, but no cigar. Since they are solid glass, they're heavy. Not only that, but they're only about as tall as that AA battery. Nice try, Honey...but I really like the sloped out sides of my favorites. It makes it easier to grab the spices out.
While I truly appreciate his efforts, I've never used any of them.
As you can tell, not only do I love dishes, I could go on and on about them. Tomorrow I'll tell you all about one of my plates.
Just kidding.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a dish freak too! LOL! Although I do not collect, I don't have room. Everything I buy I use. Sometimes things break. I found these old crystal, glass looking bowls and serving plates that dip on the ends several years ago at a yard sale. I LOVE them. I can serve the prettiest meals in these. I'd love to have these solid glass steller salt dishes you have pictured here! Great find!
